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How to Get the Most Out of a Body Recomposition Diet

Body Recomposition Diet

Body Recomposition Diet, or losing fat while building muscle, may not be accessible to everyone. For instance, experienced lifters nearing genetic limits for muscularity will likely find it challenging to increase muscle mass with reduced caloric intake.

Recomp is best-suited to individuals with moderate-to-high body fat levels who practice regular training, such as bodybuilders or physique athletes preparing for competitions.


When embarking on a body recomp, a thoughtful training program is indispensable for real results. To get the best of both worlds and avoid two steps forward and one step back progress associated with alternating bulk/cut phases.

Dependent upon your starting point and goals, various programs could work for you; however, one goal should always be hypertrophy (muscle building). By following such a regimen with heavy weight lifting at high repetition rates and lifting for hypertrophy you’ll find it hard to gain any fat when trying a body recomp.

Be mindful that body recomp is often a lengthy process; you’ll have to remain patient as the results begin appearing in the mirror and on the scale. One effective strategy to combat this delay is setting short-term mini goals of 8-12 weeks that can keep you on your program without burning out and losing motivation.

In order to successfully recomp your body, it’s also essential that you consume sufficient calories. This might involve eating a larger surplus on workout days while cutting back slightly during other non-workout days – remember it takes at least 3,500 Calories (fat burning) and 2,500 (muscle building).

Body recomp can produce great results if you can hit fairly precise macro targets with patience and accuracy, however it may not be suitable for everyone and novice weightlifters may fare better sticking with traditional bulk/cut cycles instead. These cycles will help you reach your physique goals quicker while eliminating chances of yo-yo dieting; also if done correctly you’ll end up in much better shape than trying a body recomp on your own.


Recomp requires not only sensible training programs but also proper nutrition – including an excess of calories on workout days and deficit on non-workout days (for further explanation click here). This is particularly crucial for skinny fat individuals, who often find themselves cutting muscle while bulking with too much fat gain; using a recomp diet allows them to break this cycle and achieve their best (drug-free) shape ever. Intermittent fasting can also help maintain insulin sensitivity as well as promote muscle growth and fat loss; 16/8 schedule or day-after-cheat fasts are both great ways of accomplishing this; simply find what works for you.

Note that working out more than three or four times weekly could transform this strategy into a bulking program rather than recomp, so take extra caution with that aspect of training.


There may not be an “instant cure” to help build muscle while simultaneously losing fat, but supplementation may give your efforts the best chance of succeeding in body recomposition. Creatine can give your muscles extra energy during your diet plan to ensure maximum effectiveness of body recomposition efforts.

Protein supplements are also an important element of recovery as they boost your metabolism while you burn fat. Look for protein powder such as Fighters Core that contains HMB and Chromium to promote weight loss while protecting muscle mass at the same time.

Recomp RX is another effective supplement to aid recompensing. Packed with powerful anabolic and anti-catabolic components like ursolic acid, Recomp RX helps you transform fat into muscle without needing thousands of extra calories to put on mass.

Other supplements to aid your recomp diet include whey protein, acetyl L-carnitine and chromium which all aid insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels. Also consider including some intermittent fasting into your routine – try 16/8 fasts daily as well as 24-hour fasts the day after cheat days to speed up fat loss and muscle gains!