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The Best Short Head Bicep Exercises

Short Head Bicep

The biceps is a relatively small muscle with straightforward functions, yet still requires an appropriate and targeted training approach to maximize its growth. One method to accomplish this goal is modifying standard exercises so as to better target its short head bicep.

Wrist supination (rotating your wrist from its neutral position towards its forward-facing position) during dumbbell curls can help emphasize short heads.

Barbell Curls

Barbell curls are an effective choice for anyone with access to a gym or looking for an effective arm workout that can be done from home. As an excellent single-joint accessory exercise that targets only the biceps without interference from other muscles like those found in shoulders and back areas, barbell curls provide an efficient means of strengthening this key area while aiding other multi-joint exercises like rows and pull-ups – essential components in developing overall upper body strength.

As with any exercise, starting slowly with lighter weight is key to success with barbell curls. Avoid lifting too much too soon on your first time doing this exercise as this could result in injury. Additionally, proper form and mind-muscle connection must be stressed during each rep for maximum results – this can be challenging but essential if you want lasting results!

One common error people make when lifting barbells is allowing it to freely fall to the floor once they reach the “locked” position, placing significant stress on their elbow joint and possibly leading to injury. Instead, always control and slowly lower your weight slowly so as to maximize contraction of biceps muscles while protecting joint wear-and-tear.

When performing barbell curls, an additional way of isolating biceps can be performed is with close-grip concentration curls. This technique isolates them even further by gripping an EZ-bar closer than usual – forcing beginners to keep elbows closer together than normal for maximum biceps isolation. You should keep track of your progress over time by performing multiple sets of barbell curls each month and comparing your results against previous months.

An effective barbell curl workout consists of 4 to 6 sets with 8 to 15 repetitions each. Warm-up sets should always precede working sets to ensure you’re ready to tackle them head on and don’t rush the reps; taking time with every rep allows your muscles to contract fully for maximum muscle growth.


Chin-ups are one of the best short head exercises for developing the peak of their bicep. A great addition to any arm training regimen, they can quickly help achieve impressive gains within months when combined with other bicep exercises such as preacher curls.

Chin-ups target the short head of the bicep by combining elbow flexion with wrist supination (rotating your hand from neutral position to pronation). This two-part action produces more muscle tension and workload than traditional curl movements, providing more effective exercise to develop its short head.

Chin-ups can be challenging for beginners to complete successfully, so those struggling to perform enough reps of this exercise may require additional assistance from equipment like boxes. Doing this will allow them to increase the number of reps while simultaneously relieving stress off their shoulders and necks.

Concentration curls are one of the most effective exercises for creating bulging biceps, regardless of which equipment is used to execute this exercise. An adjustable bench and barbell or EZ curl bar with grips slightly wider than shoulder width are necessary. Lying down on an adjustable bench, grab the barbell with hands slightly further apart than shoulder width, then slowly curl it towards your shoulders until your upper body forms a “W” or double biceps pose at its height; once completed with desired number of reps return weight back down until starting position once again.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that including only basic curl variations in their workout will provide adequate bicep training, believing this will yield significant results. Although this may be partially true, when it comes to training your biceps they require special consideration and using these short head exercises will not only increase results but prevent injuries.

Preacher Curls

The preacher curl is an effective biceps exercise. With its combination of isolation movement and seated position, it allows for maximum targeted strength gains by targeting only the biceps brachii muscle directly without using momentum or swinging weight around – leading to stronger and larger gains than a standard barbell curl alone.

The preacher curl is one of the most beloved exercises for developing bigger biceps, and for good reason. A great addition to any arm training regimen, it offers great benefits to build bigger biceps. While you can use dumbbells, EZ bars or barbells for this exercise, an EZ-bar offers additional versatility by offering multiple grip options thanks to its low pulley system.

No matter if it’s close grip or parallel, the key to effective arm training is choosing a weight that you can lift easily without breaking your form. Lift it to your chest, pause briefly at the top, and slowly lower back down until your elbows have returned to full extension again – this exercise will develop both short and long head of biceps as well as brachialis/brachioradialis muscles that act as elbow flexors.

A preacher curl is an effective way to hit all three bicep heads at once while also helping prevent arm fatigue by maintaining constant tension throughout. This increases set volume for maximum muscle growth potential.

Add preacher curls to your workout for maximum biceps development, along with other biceps-focused exercises, for maximum benefits in the gym. Remember to start off using light weight and increase it as you become stronger; this will prevent injury while increasing potential results.

Spider Curls

No matter your level of fitness or level of experience in bodybuilding, chances are you spend considerable time training the upper body. That’s because the biceps, like any muscle in the body, need constant and dedicated attention in order to develop. Unfortunately, all too often traditional exercises like barbell curls and dumbbell curls don’t give enough stimulation; some new moves like spider curls can offer additional stimulus that hit all angles at once and provide more balanced stimulus – an approach known as eccentric eccentric compression can also work wonders here!

This variation on the standard preacher curl puts elbows in front of your body, targeting short head biceps slightly more than long heads and is one of the most effective short head bicep exercises for increasing arm size. To perform it, secure two suspension straps to something sturdy such as a squat rack or pull-up bar and face them towards your body before placing arms prone and inches from bench then lower weight by squeezing biceps as moving down movement; at bottom pause then relax before slowly straightening arms back up again to return back up to starting position and repeat!

Another advantage of this movement is that, without your body getting in the way during curls, you can move through a full range of motion – not only to obtain optimal results, but also reduce shoulder injuries and tennis elbow. Since training the short head of biceps helps stabilize elbow joints, regular training may improve its performance while helping protect you against injuries such as tennis elbow.

As with most exercises, this one has one potential drawback – momentum can make it easy to cheat! As such, it’s essential that you use a controlled tempo and don’t rely on too much momentum. Beginners may start off using lighter weights before eventually working up to heavier loads as confidence grows.

How to Build Biceps ? Long & Short Head