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Exercises For Bell’s Palsy

Exercises For Bell's Palsy

Exercise for Bell’s Palsy helps patients regain the ability to smile, laugh, frown, and speak normally again as well as feeling more relaxed and reenergized.

Physical therapists can instruct their patients in performing these exercises correctly. Working closely together, they will ensure the exercises are carried out appropriately.

Mouth Exercises

Imagine waking up one morning and finding that muscles on one side of your face have suddenly become weak or paralyzed – this is what happens for people living with Bell’s palsy, an acute and temporary facial paralysis caused by inflammation or damage to the seventh cranial nerve. Bell’s palsy affects many aspects of life such as eye closure, facial expressions, taste and salivation – it can even stop eating!

Physical therapists can assist in helping you regain muscle movement through simple exercises and techniques. Although the facial movements may feel awkward at first, over time they promote brain-to-nerve muscle communication that ultimately produces natural-looking facial movements. Furthermore, these exercises may improve your ability to close your eyes or swallow.

Mouth exercises focus on the lips, tongue and cheek muscles that may become weak due to Bell’s palsy. Weakened muscle tissue may lead to difficulties chewing or drinking; exercises for these areas can help restore muscle movement to restore quality of life and overall well-being.

To perform these exercises, sit comfortably in a relaxed position while holding out your tongue as far as possible and slowly closing your mouth in order to mimic smiling. Repeat this exercise several times throughout the day. Another effective exercise involves puckering lips up and down using index and thumb fingers as pushers – you may even use index fingers as pushers too!

The next exercise targets your cheek muscles: gently squeeze and relax them by pushing upward and downward on them, before returning them back to their normal positions. This exercise works well when combined with lip pursing or pouting. For neck exercises, tilting your head from side to side could also be helpful; just be wary that overdoing these exercises could result in further shrinking of muscles on one side of your face; any pain or strain should prompt immediate resting and giving the muscles time to recover from overstrain.

Eye Exercises

Imagine being unable to blink, purse your lips or raise your eyebrows because of Bell’s palsy, an inflammation or nerve damage affecting the seventh cranial nerve that controls facial movement and expression, taste in your tongue and sensation behind your ears. Unfortunately this happens every morning to many individuals living with this condition.

As soon as symptoms appear, it’s essential that you visit a physical therapist as soon as possible so they can prescribe effective treatments – including strengthening and stimulating exercises for facial muscles – in order to combat Bell’s Palsy faster. Studies have proven these exercises can improve facial muscle strength and movement control as well as speed recovery from this disorder.

Bell’s palsy is usually caused by herpes simplex virus infections; however, other viruses like varicella-zoster and Epstein Barr can also increase your risk. Diabetes mellitus, upper respiratory infections and severe preeclampsia during pregnancy may increase this risk further.

There’s no known cure for Bell’s palsy, but early treatment can reduce its symptoms and improve chances of full recovery. You can start by performing some simple face exercises that target the orbicularis oculi muscle found on your outer eyelid; practice them by looking into a mirror and practicing these movements:

As part of these exercises, try to connect emotion with movement of your face. For instance, try smiling when raising eyebrows, or thinking of something that makes you happy when raising them up. Mime therapy can help improve your facial expressions and give you more confidence as you recover from Bell’s palsy. Goal of facial muscle therapy is to restore normal range of motion and restore some original symmetry to the face. As such, physical therapy exercises for Bell’s Palsy may help improve your daily life and overall emotional well-being. To discover more of what Portea Chat’s physical therapists have to offer as treatment solutions, book a video consultation.

Neck Exercises

Neck exercises can help strengthen and extend the range of motion of your neck muscles, helping support the weight of your head while decreasing strain on vertebrae and protecting from potential injury to the brain. Exercise such as tilting your head sideways or looking over one shoulder. Another beneficial technique would be rotating gently from front to back.

These exercises can be completed either sitting or standing. Be sure to start each one slowly, and don’t push yourself if your muscles start hurting; if any discomfort or pain arises during or after doing the exercises, stop immediately and consult with a healthcare provider immediately.

Exercise therapy to address Bell’s Palsy involves strengthening facial muscles, controlling movement and decreasing discomfort. Medication, physical therapy and exercises combined together may help ameliorate symptoms while shortening recovery times.

Symptoms of facial weakness include weakness or paralysis on one side of the face due to nerve damage; however, this condition usually resolves itself within weeks without intervention from physiotherapy, including muscle activation and strengthening exercises, stretching to improve range of motion, massage therapy and resistance training.

A physiotherapist can create a tailor-made program tailored to your individual needs, helping with implementation of exercises at home and providing education on how to prevent further issues. They may also perform massage to ease tension in neck and jaw muscles that may cause you discomfort due to Bell’s palsy.

If you are experiencing symptoms of Bell’s Palsy such as numbness, weakness, paralysis or difficulty opening and closing one eye, difficulty with drooling on one side of your mouth or ear or pain behind or within an ear canal – speak to Surrey Physio today about developing a tailored treatment plan to manage these symptoms and facial massage can provide soothing relaxation, pain relief and improved circulation which will speed up recovery from this condition.


Bell’s palsy is a condition in which sudden weakness or paralysis strikes one side of the face, typically the left side. This occurs when inflammation or compression of the seventh cranial nerve occurs – this nerve controls facial movement and expression as well as most taste sensation in tongue and feeling behind ear, among others. Damage may result from stroke, viral infection or even an autoimmune response causing disruption of this vital nerve pathway.

Bell’s palsy can be extremely discomforting and debilitating, yet there are ways to facilitate its recovery process. Physical therapy may help improve muscle strength and movement in affected areas; facial exercises may stimulate nerves to improve overall facial movement – this may lead to faster healing from symptoms of Bell’s palsy as well as greater facial symmetry – 2021 reviews indicate a consistent facial exercise routine can increase function, improve symmetry, and expedite healing timeframe in those suffering from Bell’s palsy. 2021 reviews also demonstrate increased function, improved symmetry, faster healing from symptoms as well as improved facial symmetry among those suffering from Bell’s palsy. 2021 reviews further support the fact that an exercise regiment can increase function, improve symmetry as well as speedier healing in people living with Bell’s palsy. 2021 reviews support an ongoing exercise regime can result in increased function increases function increases improved symmetry improvements with increased functions improvements while improving symmetry issues as well as faster healing in people living with Bell’s palsy. 2021 reviews support this assertion with 2021 reviews suggesting an effective facial exercise routine can increase function improve symmetry while speed healing from Bell’s palsy. 2021 reviews show just how powerfully an exercise routine can enhance healing results with faster healing in those living with Bell’s palsy. 2021 reviews demonstrate just how powerfully exercise routine can increase function improve symmetry while speed healing for people suffering from the condition while speed healing with improved symmetry issues related to increased function improved symmetry faster healing by helping improve symmetry while faster healing when dealing with treatment of Bells palsy as indicating consistent facial exercise routine can improve function, faster symmetry improvement along those suffering with faster healing as fast recovery of course faster healing due to improved functionality, bettering facial exercise is can improve facial exercise can aiding. 2021 reviews support their healing time, improved by 2021 reviews suggest. 2021 reviews recommends should contribute in relation to increasing function improved symmetry is performed vs than otherwise due vs with Bells palsy! 2021 reviews suggested this condition quicker recovery from symptoms quicker healing than ever seen & faster healing due to faster recovery as vsy. 2021 reviews suggesting an increase function improve /sy. resulting in terms speed than ever prior having faster healing faster healing time + improved healing + speed + improved & faster healing times while simultaneously.

Physical therapists can design a facial massage and exercise program tailored specifically for Bell’s palsy sufferers to manage symptoms more effectively. Their treatments focus on your eyes, lips, cheeks, nose and other parts to promote facial movement while decreasing pain and swelling to restore normal life and aid recovery. Massage may even be used as part of their healing protocol and relaxation strategy.

Physical therapists might suggest performing an eye exercise by looking downward and stretching the lower eyelid with your fingers – this can help maintain balance and prevent drooping of eyelids. They may also advise practicing closing and squinting in order to strengthen muscles.

Facial exercises can assist with recovery from Bell’s palsy or other conditions that cause facial or neck numbness, increasing confidence and improving quality of life. However, it’s crucial that you visit a physical therapist as soon as you detect signs of facial weakness or loss of movement to ensure immediate treatment and ensure full recovery.