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Kegel Balls Exercise For the Pelvic Floor

Kegel Balls Exercise

Kegel balls are an effective tool for strengthening pelvic floor muscles and are frequently included in exercise routines. Available in multiple weight options to increase difficulty over time.

To use, insert the balls directly into your vagina, keeping in mind it might be easier while lying down or squatting. If any strings come attached with them, keep this in mind when taking out the balls as these could become trapped and require additional lube for release.


Kegel balls offer a gentle but effective workout for pelvic floor muscles, helping support bladder, vaginal canal, uterus, and rectum. As these muscles weaken during pregnancy, childbirth, or age they can lead to incontinence; strengthening them through weighted Kegel balls or regular Kegel exercises may prevent incontinence while improving posture and relieving back pain.

At first, many women find it easier to perform Kegel exercises while lying down. This is due to the weight of the balls making it more challenging to contract the muscle when performing them standing up. Once familiarized with how they work, however, engaging their pelvic floor muscles while standing can become much simpler.

Gently place the Kegel balls by pressing them against your vaginal opening until they reach as far in without making you uncomfortable or affecting breathing. Next, tighten your muscles to check placement; they should not feel any balls when flexing your muscles.

Once inserted, try moving the kegel balls around inside your vagina to heighten sensation, increase awareness, and stimulate sexual arousal. Some partners enjoy moving them during sexual play for added intensity!

Weighted Kegel balls can be purchased at most pharmacies, women’s health stores and online retailers. Many offer sets that vary in size and weight to assist beginners who wish to gradually work up to higher intensity workouts. Some retailers even provide body-safe silicone coatings which make lubrication unnecessary!

Elvie Trainer, designed specifically to fit inside the vagina and used with an app for biofeedback and tracking progress, may also provide more affordable yet valuable alternative. You can set reminders to do Kegel exercises, plus it features soft silicone materials that may prevent irritation of long-term wear as well as removable strings to avoid irritation.

Getting Started

Kegel balls may seem daunting at first, especially if your pelvic muscles are weak, so it may be useful to start out by purchasing a set with different size balls and weights – this way you can gradually increase how much pressure is applied on them and your pelvic muscles.

Kegel ball products with strings attached make it easier to grab and keep each ball in position when performing Kegel exercises, particularly helpful for newcomers as it’s easy for balls to slip out of position when performing Kegels. This feature can especially come in handy during beginner sessions when trying new exercises!

Another key feature to look for in a Kegel ball is the material it’s composed of. Ideally, they should be constructed from medical-grade silicone that’s soft and nonporous – this makes removing and replacing it easy while not irritating skin or urinary tract tissues.

Once you’ve selected the ideal Kegel ball, it’s time to put it to use. Begin by sitting with legs closed, isolating the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. Imitating trying to stop urine in midstream, tighten your PC muscle before holding for three seconds before releasing; repeat this exercise 10 times each day.

Kegel exercises can be performed while standing, sitting down or even walking around; however, long periods of walking around with balls in place may make them harder to hold onto and fatigue your pelvic floor muscles more rapidly.

Kegel balls may feel strange at first, as you are exercising muscles you haven’t used for some time. As time progresses, however, any discomfort should reduce and your muscles become stronger as a result of regular practice.

Add an exciting element to your Kegels by inserting balls before going on a date. Many women find that this will increase sexual arousal during intimate encounters.


With Kegel ball exercises, you will strengthen the muscles that comprise your pelvic floor – those responsible for controlling bladder & bowel function as well as minimising urine or fecal leakage – helping control urinary incontinence as well as sexual pleasure. Strengthening them during pregnancy, childbirth or as you age is crucial. Strengthening can prevent urinary incontinence as well as enhance sexual pleasure!

Strengthen your pelvic floor without using Kegel balls by practicing Kegel exercises like holding and contracting muscles for five seconds while relaxing, 10 times each day. However, adding Kegel weights will add an additional challenge and increase muscle contraction and strength gain within your pelvic floor.

Although Kegel weights can be used in various positions, one of the most efficient is lying down with both balls inserted into your vaginal canal. In this position, it’s easier to sense and activate PC muscle activity and can even be performed without lifting against gravity as would happen during regular exercises performed when standing or sitting up.

Based on your goals, purchasing a set of Kegel balls with different weights may help to progress your training as you become stronger. Each Kegel weight typically becomes lighter over time so only move on when confident in performing regular Kegel weight exercises with even the lightest weight in your current set.

There are numerous Kegel balls available online, but many women prefer shopping in-person at health food stores for these sphere-shaped weights. That way, they can consult with sales associates who can recommend the ideal Kegel ball to suit their personal needs.

Sales associates can not only provide advice about which Kegel balls are appropriate for you, but can also give tips on how to use them effectively. They will explain the weight system as well as suggest suitable lubricants to make your experience most rewarding.

Removing the Balls

Kegel balls may feel awkward for those just starting the exercise, particularly those unfamiliar with it. To reduce awkwardness and make things simpler for beginners, select a product with easy removal and cleaning features; silicone coating makes bacteria penetration harder; use only water-based lubricant before inserting it into your vagina.

Kegel balls are easily available at most health and fitness stores and can be quickly utilized. Simply lie down in a comfortable position that allows easy access to your vagina, then gently insert one of the weighted balls. If using multiple linked balls together, be sure to include their connecting string for best results.

Once your ball is in place, focus on contracting your pubococcygeus (PC) muscle to tighten the muscles around your bladder and rectum. Squeezing for five seconds should cause slight strain on your pelvic floor muscles – being careful not to overstrain as that could lead to injury.

Kegel balls can be beneficial to women from their 20s through senior years, according to Monte Swarup, MD a board-certified OB/GYN in Chandler Arizona who founded HPD Rx. Kegel balls may help women recover from childbirth faster, reduce Pelvic Organ Prolapse symptoms, cure bladder incontinence problems more effectively and increase sexual pleasure according to Monte.

When buying Kegel balls, be sure to purchase high-quality plastic items that contain no harmful chemicals and feature an easy-to-use removable cord for easier cleaning. Stay away from cheap products which could damage delicate vaginal tissues while harboring bacteria that cause infections. Kegel balls should only be left in for up to six hours at a time; otherwise they could overstretch your muscles and lead to temporary strain. Before inserting water-based balls into your vagina, it is wise to apply water-based lubricant as this can provide more lubrication and help to ease pressure off muscles. Furthermore, regular cleaning of these devices is necessary as unclean balls may lead to urinary tract infections (UTIs), irritations in vulva tissue as well as alter the delicate pH balance in the vagina.