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Strengthen Your Core With 20 min Tabata abs Workout

20 min Tabata abs Workout

A Tabata abs workout is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) routine that can effectively target and strengthen your core muscles.

Core muscles are one of the most critical groups to strengthen in order to avoid injury and enhance balance and strength.

Tabata workouts, which involve alternating 20-second bursts of intense work with 10 seconds of rest for eight rounds, are an efficient way to build muscle quickly. Although initially daunting, these four-minute exercises can easily be completed at home with no equipment necessary.

Abdominal Crunch

The abdominal crunch is one of the best exercises for developing “six-pack” abs and strengthening core. Performed on a mat or floor surface, using your stomach muscles to contract and flex the spine as you lift legs over head – strengthening rectus abdominis muscle which connects bottom of sternum (chest bone) to pubic bone in lower pelvic girdle region.

This workout includes two rounds of four minutes of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated twice. To prepare, warm up with stretching exercises beforehand; and perform this routine on an exercise mat if possible.

While this workout is designed to target core muscles, it may prove challenging for those suffering from back or other injuries. To be successful with this routine, patience and slow movement is key – not using momentum for movement will help minimize stress on the back and lower neck which often occurs from moving too quickly or depending on hip flexors to assist in an upward motion.

Start by lying flat on the ground, with knees bent and arms at your sides with palms down. Engage your abs to pull your torso upward, as you lift legs over head until your upper body reaches approximately 2-3 inches off of the floor – exhale as you reach this position, and return to start point to complete reps.

Add resistance by holding a weight over your chest for an added challenge; just remember if you do this, your rep count may need to decrease as weighted movements add more resistance and may require different approaches than regular ones. When starting weighted exercises in your routine for the first time, start slowly and consult a professional personal trainer so they can ensure you are performing these movements safely while selecting weights appropriate for your level of fitness.

Side Crunch

If you have just a few minutes free, incorporating this tummy-shaping exercise into your Tabata lying workout could help to tone and define your abdominals. The side crunch targets both internal and external obliques to sculpt waist while simultaneously improving core strength. Aim to do 7 to 10 repetitions before working up to three rounds in order to see results.

Tabata-style high intensity interval training (HIIT) uses short bursts of intense exercise followed by short rest periods to maximize fitness gains. A typical Tabata session usually lasts four minutes and can help improve aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity, VO2 max and resting metabolic rate faster than an equivalent 60 minute cardio workout would.

Tabata workouts are tailored for all fitness levels, offering exercises in four rounds with 20 seconds of intensity followed by 10 seconds of recovery for four cycles. This alternating pattern of work and recovery helps build endurance, strengthen muscles, and burn fat efficiently while remaining user-friendly – each exercise offers both an easier progression as well as harder variations depending on your abilities.

This particular Tabata lying workout features four distinct exercises to target different parts of your body in circuit 1, upper body in circuit 2, cardio in circuit 3 and core work in the final circuit. Each circuit also comes complete with an active cooldown for optimal results!

Make sure your legs are straight, arms are extended behind, head is neutral and shoulders relaxed; engage your core; look up at outstretched arm; using core strength lift upper body right by rotating torso right; touch right elbow with left knee before returning back to starting position and repeat on opposite side.

Remember, when doing Tabata workouts it is important to listen to your body and only perform exercises that feel comfortable for you. If this is your first time trying Tabata workouts it may be wise to start slowly by starting with one exercise and gradually adding in others as time progresses. Be sure to set a reliable timer such as a watch, phone app or real clock because minutes will fly by!

Triceps Dips

Triceps dips are an extremely effective upper-body exercise that targets the triceps, pecs, and shoulders. A staple in most strength training programs, they work just as effectively during Tabata workouts as traditional bodyweight ones. You can do triceps dips using any number of platforms such as benches, chairs, ledges, bars or pull-up stations; alternatively you could perform them kneeling down in plank position.

Making the most of triceps dips requires proper technique; otherwise it could strain your shoulder joint and lead to injury. To ensure maximum results from each set of triceps dips, focus on keeping arms close to body as you lower yourself down, raising back up without locking arms at top position and engaging mind-muscle connection so as to feel your triceps contract throughout each set of dips.

This Tabata lying workout is ideal for strengthening your triceps while simultaneously strengthening core and legs, all within four minutes! Perfect if time is short but still want a full-body workout; four minutes of high-intensity exercise can have a tremendous impact on your body if done safely and appropriately; just make sure that you warm up adequately prior to starting! Don’t overdo it!

Tabata workouts may seem intimidating at first, but with proper planning and execution they are one of the best ways to quickly burn fat and build muscle. Just take your time during each round and perform to your best ability – you will soon see results in your body!

Triceps dips are an excellent addition to any Tabata workout because they target the triceps brachii muscle lining the back of your arms – something many people struggle with. Triceps dips will strengthen this important area as much as other areas such as chest, pecs, and lats.

Jumping Lunges

Jumping Lunges Are Great Lower Body Strength Exercise, yet adding jumping transforms them into an engaging plyometric routine that burns more calories while challenging your core. Jumping lunges engage a range of leg muscles including quadriceps, hip flexors, hamstrings and calves – making jumping lunges an effective lower body movement which improves leg power agility speed while strengthening core stability.

A basic jumping lunge starts by placing feet shoulder- to hip-width apart and then taking steps forward into a deep lunge that extends until your front knee is approximately 2 inches from the floor. After taking this position, quickly hop up and switch legs midair so that when landing you land with right leg lunged and left leg forward – and repeat until reaching desired number or time of repetitions or time limit.

Plyometric exercises fall under the category of “plyometric” exercises, which involve rapid contractions of muscles to stimulate growth. An explosive jumping motion also requires using fast twitch muscle fibers which makes you stronger and athletic. Jumping lunges provide a good upper body workout by challenging shoulders and chest while maintaining proper posture by hopping and switching legs in midair.

Keep this workout in mind: you should always perform it under the guidance of a certified personal trainer. Avoid making too many modifications or performing more reps than your body can safely manage; doing so could cause harm and possibly result in injury when performed in lying down position.

Are you ready to elevate your heart rate and try a different type of workout? Give Tabata lying workout a go! One Body LA has created this 20-minute full body Tabata session which targets core, legs and back as well as challenging upper body muscle groups during this full body Tabata exercise session.

Start off this workout with a warm-up, then move onto the first circuit of four exercises for 40 seconds at a time, followed by 20 seconds of rest between each one. Repeat each circuit twice, before concluding your training with an active cooldown.