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Defy Aging With DAO Botox

Defy Aging With DAO Botox

Depressor anguli oris muscles become less effective as we age, pulling down on the corners of the mouth to produce a sad smile look. Botulinum neurotoxin injections may reverse this action and improve facial symmetry while simultaneously smoothing fine lines and wrinkles around lips’ corners.

Experts agree that the area bounded by LP2, LP3 and the mandibular border is the safest and most effective depressor anguli oris botox injection site.

Botox Injections in the DAO Muscle

DAO Botox is an advanced procedure that helps you defy aging and achieve a more youthful look. By targeting muscles responsible for downturned mouth corners and reshaping your face to highlight its true beauty. It erases marionette lines and mouth frowns while simultaneously defining jawlines and improving facial balance; furthermore it can even be combined with dermal fillers to achieve superior results in just 15 minutes!

The DAO muscle spans from the corner of your mouth to the bottom of your mandible and is responsible for facial expressions like frowning or laughing, as well as drooping mouth corners and jowls. Overactive DAO muscle can give an unpleasant appearance even when at rest; Botox injections may help correct its hyperactivity by blocking its neurotransmitters; relaxing lower facial muscles and decreasing jowls.

Before your treatment begins, your specialist will first cleanse and anesthetize the area in order to ensure maximum comfort during injections with fine needles. They’ll mark specific points to inject with needles. Once complete, this procedure usually only takes minutes and you can resume normal activities immediately afterwards.

Considerations should be given to the fact that the DAO muscle is located within close proximity to other muscles and nerves, including risorius, zygomaticus major and platysma muscles and nerves, so selecting an experienced injector is critical. Furthermore, superficial injection is recommended in order to protect inferior labial artery that runs through DAO muscle (see image below). No more than 2-3 U should be administered per side for maximum safety against possible side effects.

Botox Injections for Asymmetrical Faces

Facial asymmetry can be an everyday reality for many individuals, yet non-invasive treatments exist that can address it without altering your facial structure. Fillers like Radiesse or Sculptra may help reduce prominence on one side of your cheek or jaw while botox injections may lift downturned mouth corners to restore facial balance and bring more harmony to the overall face shape.

The Depressor Anguli Oris muscle (DAO muscle), also referred to as the DAO muscle, connects from the corners of your mouth to your lower jaw and is responsible for various facial expressions – frowning being one such expression. As people age, this muscle begins to weaken and pull the corners downward into an everlasting frown which creates the impression of sadness, tiredness, or anger in people’s expressions. Botulinum Toxin Type A or Botox injections are highly effective neuromodulators injections into DAO muscle injections which improve both function and appearance in this muscle.

Before injecting, your cosmetic specialist may cleanse the area and apply topical anesthetic for added comfort. They then use a fine needle to inject Botox into your DAO muscle. Injection sites will be tailored specifically to you based on facial anatomy and desired results; typically this procedure is quick and painless; any side effects typically subside within 24-48 hours.

Though DAO Botox treatments aren’t yet FDA-approved, they’ve become increasingly popular as a solution for downturned mouths and marionette lines. A skilled injector such as Dr. Michele Green can use the treatment to relax this muscle and elevate corners of your mouth; in some cases this combination could even produce more dramatic results!

Botox Injections for Jowls

As we age, our necks become less flexible and the depressor anguli oris muscle of the face may start to contract and pull down on the skin of the jaw line, creating jowls. Over time this dynamic wrinkle formation can also form vertical neck bands around the mouth that look similar to “turkey neck.” Luckily Botox can be used to help treat these dynamic wrinkles by relaxing these muscles to reduce downward pull while simultaneously tightening skin for a younger-looking appearance on lower face areas.

Patients looking to achieve a more defined and youthful jawline have multiple injectable treatments at their disposal to create the optimal result. Kybella can reduce fat in the jowls while lifting skin; Ultherapy or radiofrequency microneedling with Morpheus8 may stimulate collagen production to further tighten skin.

Nefertiti lifts can also provide an effective method for more defined jawlines. Muscle-freezing botox injections into muscles that pull down on the jaw line stop activity in these nerves and produce a natural-looking lifting result, creating more defined facial features and providing more defined jawlines.

Finding the optimal Botox injection sites in the depressor anguli oris is often challenging due to factors like facial anatomy and asymmetry, so it is wise to consult a medically trained aesthetic practitioner like Dr. Michele Green who has an in-depth knowledge of facial muscles and their connections. A full before and after portfolio provides an accurate reflection of any practitioner’s skills or expertise.

Botox Injections for Marionette Lines

Marionette lines around your mouth and chin can be unsightly. Thankfully, several cosmetic treatments exist to diminish their appearance. Botox injections are one such solution used widely that relax muscle tension in this area to produce smoother skin; additional facial fillers may also be combined for greater results.

Procedure is quick and can be completed in a medical office setting, with most patients reporting no pain during or immediately after. Some may experience minor discomfort at injection site; these effects should subside rapidly. It’s essential that skilled injectors be chosen when considering this form of therapy.

When it comes to treating marionette lines, the optimal approach involves treating both muscle movement and volume loss simultaneously. A combined approach that includes Botox(r) and dermal fillers offers this advantage, enabling an injector to create a comprehensive treatment plan tailored specifically to each patient that addresses both muscle-related concerns as well as volume loss.

Botox may be injected into the DAO muscle to relax it and prevent future frowning from deepening existing lines. Hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvederm or Radiesse can also be injected to fill wrinkles and add volume.

Laser resurfacing can also help enhance the appearance of an area by altering its structure. Fractional lasers use to change water molecules in collagen fibers to tighten and firmer skin resulting in less wrinkled and more youthful looking results; perfect for those not ready for or cannot afford full facelift procedures.

Botox Injections for a Lifted Mouth

Facial muscles responsible for specific expressions can sometimes pull your corners of the mouth downward at rest, creating what’s known as a “sad smile,” leading to dynamic wrinkles around the mouth. Botox injections may be used to target these muscles and restore more youthful expression by relaxing frown lines at resting positions while simultaneously lifting corners of your mouth for a happier smile.

The depressor anguli oris muscle is located in the lower half of your face and pulls down on the corners of your mouth when making certain facial expressions, including frowning. It connects from above the jawline all the way to both corners of your mouth on either side; over time this muscle may become hyperactive and persistently contract, leaving lips in an inward-facing orientation at rest; this causes its corners to appear sad or angry and causes dynamic wrinkles to form in their corners of mouth at rest – creating dynamic wrinkles.

Botox injections to the DAO muscle can provide relief. By blocking neurotransmitters that send signals to contract the muscle, Botox allows it to relax naturally. Dr. Green’s expertise with injecting Botox to this area of your face has provided safe, natural-looking results in what has become one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures for this region of your face: the DAO Botox Smile Lift technique can elevate corners of mouth while also diminishing lines and wrinkles around this region of face.