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Diastasis Recti Exercises For Men

Diastasis Recti Exercises

Late-night feedings and a new baby can make it hard to return to a regular exercise regime, but there are some easy diastasis recti exercises for men that can help strengthen your core without worsening abdominal separation.

diastasis recti exercises for men

Abdominal separation often arises from inactive internal core muscles, collapsed postures and compensation patterns that weaken connections between abdominal muscles, leading to poor support, lower back pain and impaired athletic performance.


Your abdominal muscles that form the basis of your six-pack or general ab area are separated by a layer of connective tissue known as linea alba, but during pregnancy when your uterus expands to make room for baby, these ab muscles and their surrounding tissues stretch and can even strain to the point that they separate, which is known as diastasis recti and affects both men and women. With proper diastasis recti exercises tailored for men as well as careful modification of existing workout routines you already enjoy doing, you can close this gap and return your abdominals back into their pre-pregnancy shape!

Diastasis recti, commonly characterized by an abdominal bulge, can also result in lower back or hip pain, poor posture or sexual dysfunction for women. Men living with diastasis recti may experience difficulty transitioning from lying down to standing up quickly enough or have an abdominal muscle spasm when contracting their abdominopelvic muscles.

Diastasis recti is often confused with ventral hernias; however, these conditions differ greatly in both causes and effects. A hernia involves internal structures pushing through tears in abdominal muscle tissue while diastasis recti simply refers to gaps between left and right sides of rectus abdominis muscles – it doesn’t involve internal structures pushing through any tears at all!

Pregnancy is usually the leading cause of diastasis recti, though men and women who have never been pregnant may also develop it. Carrying excess weight around the midsection or repeatedly coughing or sitting for extended periods could contribute to it as well.

An effective diastasis recti workout plan starts by starting off slowly with safe beginner exercises that build your core strength, followed by more challenging moves as your strength improves. If you feel uncertain of your approach to core recovery, working with a certified corrective exercise specialist, pelvic floor physical therapist or women’s health physical therapist who will tailor a personalized diastasis recti exercise program specifically tailored for you is also highly beneficial.


When dealing with diastasis recti, it’s wise to avoid exercises which exert too much strain on your core abdominal muscles. This includes exercises such as crunches and sit-ups which place extra strain on them. Such moves could increase abdominal pressure further by further tearing of the linea alba. Crunches should therefore be avoided until diastasis recti has healed itself – however there are plenty of safe exercises tailored specifically for men that can help strengthen core strength.

The plank is an efficient exercise designed to strengthen abdominal muscles and increase core stability, with limited equipment required and no gym membership necessary. To be most effective, however, maintaining a neutral spine requires abdominal muscle activation as a group – something which may prove challenging if you suffer from belly doming as your stomach will pull away from your spine; to mitigate this difficulty you can try the draw-in maneuver that helps pull stomach toward back while activating core together as one whole unit.

Adopting proper plank form to avoid worsening diastasis recti is crucial if you wish to prevent further aggravating diastasis recti. You must ensure you follow all correct form, while also not cheating while performing it; breathing poorly during exercise, holding breath during movement or bracing during an effort can all exacerbate diastasis recti by exerting excessive strain on abdominal muscles and the linea alba.

Diastasis Recti is an abdominal muscle separation caused by pregnancy-induced changes to your connective muscle linea alba. You’ll typically feel this separation as a bulge along your midline; in women it often appears below or close to their belly button or nearer the uterus. Diastasis may lead to lower back or hip pain and difficulty transitioning from sitting to standing positions; more serious cases could also involve pelvic floor dysfunction or bladder or bowel issues.

Though having a separation can be discouraging, it’s important to keep this in mind: your condition isn’t irreparable. In my 19 years as a movement teacher and bodyworker, I have witnessed abdominal gaps as wide as 8 fingers narrow to less than 1 finger through safe yet effective core exercises that focus on uniting the abdominal muscles as a unit.

One-legged Leg Slides

Nearly two-thirds of women experience abdominal separation (known as diastasis recti) following pregnancy. This gap in the rectus abdominis muscles creates widening in the abdominal wall and may lead to back pain, core weakness or an uncomfortable “mummy tummy”. While many women recover naturally after giving birth, some need extra assistance; there are core exercises specifically targeted towards men that can close this gap and promote healing while simultaneously strengthening the torso and supporting core functions.

Contrary to crunches, which can worsen abdominal separation, planks and other abdominal bracing exercises have been shown to significantly decrease it. They’re often recommended as effective ways to strengthen core muscles without risking injury during pregnancy or postpartum; it is, however, wise to consult a medical provider experienced with diastasis recti for accurate diagnosis and individualized exercise recommendations.

One-legged leg slides are an effective diastasis recti workout modification. Simply lie on the floor with both legs extended out in front of you at hip width apart, feet flat on the floor. Engage your core muscles by drawing your belly button toward your spine; slowly lift your lower back up while tucking under tailbone to engage deep abdominal muscles, before sliding one foot downward toward ground until touching ground; return back up and repeat with other foot until 30 reps per leg have been completed with slow, controlled movement without abdominal doming!

Perform these core moves for diastasis recti can be challenging, so take your time and move with caution. A cushioned mat, like the DMoose non-slip yoga mat, may provide extra stability in order to prevent injury during exercises. Wear loose, comfortable clothing while gradually building core strength over several weeks or months in order to avoid further damaging to abdominal muscles. Most importantly, remember it takes time for abdominal separation to heal itself so don’t give up after several months without seeing results!

Candle Breath

Diastasis recti isn’t exclusive to women who have gone through pregnancy – men can also suffer from diastasis recti. The condition occurs when abdominal muscles separate, creating a gap in your midline that’s most noticeable during movements that involve contracting your abdominals; for instance when sitting up from sitting down or lifting legs to put shoes on. Common symptoms may include feeling lumps or protrusions along your stomach’s midline when contracting your abs, such as when bending forward for seating up or contracting abs when contracting your abs such as when sitting up from sitting down or lifting legs to put on shoes when contracting your abs are contracted when contracting the abdominals to contract them, creating gaps that leave gaps that leave gaps in midline of stomach that is most noticeable during movements that require contraction of abs contraction such as when bending forward when sitting up from sitting up, standing up from chair seating or lifting legs to put on shoe.

When your abs are too tight and you take shallow breaths into your chest, they exert extra strain on the linea alba connective tissue that links ribcage to pubic bone (known as diastasis recti) that holds together both halves of your rectus abdominis muscle (6 pack). Over time this constant pressure causes it to thin out over time, eventually creating the gapping in your abdomen known as diastasis recti.

Deep breathing exercises (diaphragmatic breathing) can reduce your chances of diastasis recti and bring the abs closer together if they already exist. The principle behind diaphragmatic breathing is that abdominal and core muscles work more efficiently when they can function at their full range of motion and contract naturally.

To practice Candle Breath, begin by lying on the floor and supporting yourself with hands or a pillow under your knees to maintain Bridge pose of yoga. As you exhale, draw your belly in toward your spine in an attempt to contract your abs and imagine blowing out candles on a birthday cake; repeat this breath for as long as possible before relaxing back into Bridge Pose.

These simple bodyweight diastasis recti exercises can help strengthen your core and mend any separations in your abs. With regular practice, abdominal and pelvic floor muscles will become stronger – decreasing their likelihood to separate in future.