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The Cable Triceps Kickback Advantage

Cable Triceps Kickback

Strength athletes require elite lockout strength to power through press exercises with maximum intensity, and cable triceps kickback is an effective movement to develop it. Furthermore, this movement targets both unilaterally and bilaterally the triceps and helps hone form by eliminating asymmetries in your form.

Attach a single handle to the lowest notch on your cable machine and grip it in an overhand fashion, using an overhand grip for better leverage. Execute the kickback according to its description.

Target Muscles

The cable triceps kickback is an isolation exercise designed to target all three heads of the triceps muscle. This workout offers an effective alternative to dumbbells for building strength and sculpting an arch-shaped upper arm, as well as creating the horseshoe shape seen with older methods of exercise such as weighted bench presses. An essential component of any effective arm workout, it can be performed using various tools available today.

Start with a single grip handle attached to a low pulley of a cable machine, choosing your weight of choice, then grab it with your left hand and step back from it. Keep knees slightly bent, engage core, tuck elbow behind side to stabilize body position then contract triceps to bring handle behind you until fully extended then squeeze triceps, pause briefly then slowly return handle back to starting position for desired number of repetitions and switch sides when finished.

Though triceps kickback primarily trains the triceps, it can also help target the biceps muscles and shoulder girdle. This exercise makes an effective addition to any arms workout and can be done by anyone regardless of fitness level; lighter weights for multiple reps to build muscular endurance are effective; heavier ones with fewer reps increases intensity of workout.

When performing the cable triceps kickback, it is important to avoid common mistakes that could compromise your form and add stress on muscles. Flaring out an elbow from its fixed position, shifting tension away from triceps towards rear deltoids instead. Furthermore, avoid moving hips or shoulders during movement.

As your strength improves, try increasing the difficulty of this exercise by training only one arm at a time – this will increase the difficulty and allow for double repetitions to produce increased volume of work.


There are various exercises designed to strengthen and tone the triceps, but cable triceps kickback stands out among them as one of the most effective. As an isolated exercise, it develops strength and muscle in all three heads of triceps while maintaining constant tension on target muscles that is key for hypertrophy (muscle growth). Furthermore, unlike its dumbbell equivalent, its cable variation offers ascending resistance as you contract your triceps towards the ceiling – providing optimal muscle growth potential!

Proper form is key when performing any isolation exercise, and cable triceps kickback is no different. By avoiding common mistakes that can arise during its execution, you’ll get maximum benefit out of this premium workout.

Some individuals tend to open their elbow out wide when performing a triceps kickback, which transfers tension away from the triceps and into your rear deltoids. To correct this error, simply bring your elbow closer to your body and tuck it inside of itself.

Alternative Exercise methods involve using a single handle attached to a low pulley cable machine for this exercise in standing position. Simply grab the handle with your right hand, step back from an upright anchor, hinge at your hips so your back is parallel with the floor and extend your arm behind you until it forms a 90-degree angle with your forearm; squeeze your triceps at the peak of this movement, and slowly return back into starting position.

Another solution is using a single resistance band secured to a stable bench or chair, enabling you to perform movements from a sitting position and is particularly ideal for those suffering from back problems. You can even use heavier weights when performing this exercise since having additional support prevents you from standing up during performance of movement – however it’s best to start off light to minimize risk and ensure proper execution of this exercise.


The cable triceps kickback is an effective and straightforward isolation exercise designed to target and bulk up the back of your arm, creating an unmistakable horseshoe shape on its backside. Furthermore, this movement elongates your forearm, helping achieve leaner muscle definition that many bodybuilders strive for. While you could perform this movement with either barbells or dumbbells, using a cable machine allows for lighter loads that provide greater range of motion while lessening elbow strain and strain.

Grabbing the handle with one hand of a low pulley cable rig with one grip, you should position yourself so your shoulders face forward while hips and knees bend slightly for a staggered stance. Step backward to create tension on the cable before pulling up towards your chest while simultaneously extending forearm until nearly locked out; squeeze triceps for one second then slowly lower weight back down slowly – repeat until desired number of repetitions have been completed.

As there’s no weight to hold while performing this movement, dumbbell kickbacks may be more suitable for individuals suffering from wrist or elbow pain than this exercise. Furthermore, this movement provides greater comfort to people wanting to train at higher volumes and intensities to help achieve triceps hypertrophy.

Trainers sometimes advise moving the wrist at the end of an exercise to increase muscle fiber recruitment in your triceps; however, this is a misperception; in reality your forearm muscles are better suited to manage this task than your triceps muscle.

Beginners still learning rope handling should try using a reverse grip to put more emphasis on the medial head of their triceps. To do this, remove the rope attachment and instead grip the cable with a reverse grip at waist height on a pulley system – then assume the same stance for regular cable triceps kickback with arm pinned close to your body to reduce swinging during exercises which shift tension away from triceps muscles to other joints instead.


An ideal machine for this exercise would be a cable machine, though dumbbells could also work. Cable machines offer accommodating resistance which helps maintain consistent tension throughout each movement to maximize muscle-building potential.

For optimal cable triceps kickback results, stand with your back against a pulley system while holding both hands of the handle above your head. Bend your elbows as you lower weight behind your head, and extend them when pushing it back up again. To vary intensity of movement by changing grip or arm positioning. A close-grip cable curl is an excellent complement as it targets opposing muscle group such as the biceps – creating balanced upper body strength!

The triceps brachii muscle is crucial in moving the elbow joint through its full range of motion. Kickback allows you to strengthen this muscle from both dynamic and static positions, isolating its recruitment potential while strengthening from both dynamic and static positions. It is an excellent exercise when your other pressing movements reach a plateau such as bench presses or overhead presses.

If you’re training for bodybuilding or mass gain, including exercises that target the triceps from various angles is crucial to successful training. Some effective cable-based triceps exercises include skull crushers, cable pushdowns and two arm dumbbell extensions; it is advised that when performing these exercises that a slower eccentric and slightly faster concentric movement should be used instead of simply jerking weight up and down which could reduce effectiveness of exercise.

Close-grip cable curls and one-arm triceps kickbacks are complementary exercises that can be done along with cable triceps kickbacks for effective muscle hypertrophy and better results in workout. Close-grip curls target the opposite muscles while one arm at a time triceps kickbacks allow you to target individual triceps individually for more focused contraction. Both these exercises work your mind-muscle connection for greater effectiveness of workout and hypertrophy of muscle tissues.